Building a Strong Health and Safety Foundation for a Growing Business

Audits & Prequalification
EHS Management
Custom Safety Docs

Guidance For Small Businesses In Alberta

At SafetyComply, we pride ourselves on helping businesses of all sizes establish and maintain robust health and safety programs. Recently, we had the privilege of working with a dynamic and forward-thinking client – a new business with just a team of two. This client understood the importance of proactively addressing health and safety concerns, even at the early stages of their venture. They had diligently compiled a comprehensive manual containing all their policies and procedures, but they were uncertain about how to proceed from there. It had cost them considerable time and resources to reach this point, and they were determined not to let their investment go to waste.


When this small but ambitious company sought our expertise, we saw an opportunity to make a significant impact. Our mission was clear: to interpret their manual into practical forms and systems that not only aligned with industry and regulatory standards but also reflected the unique requirements of their business.  


We embarked on a thorough assessment of their operations, identifying potential risks and gaps in their existing manual. Our team worked closely with the client to create and implement a routine that ensured they were consistently meeting the deliverables outlined in their health and safety program.  


But our approach didn't stop there. We understood that for a health and safety program to truly succeed, it had to become an integral part of the company's culture. So, we took the extra step of coaching their two employees, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively use the newly developed forms and systems. We empowered them to identify areas of improvement and adapt their health and safety practices to suit the unique operations of their business.


The results of our consulting services were nothing short of remarkable. The company's safety program began to run smoothly and efficiently. Thanks to our guidance, they successfully applied for their SECOR (Certificate of Recognition) certificate and met client pre-qualification requirements without delay.  


What truly stood out, however, was the positive impact on the company's culture. The commitment to safety that our services instilled in the organization set an incredible example not just for their employees but also for the subcontractors they worked with. Our client became a beacon of safety excellence in their industry.


In the end, our consulting services delivered exceptional value, ensuring that the resources the client had already invested in their health and safety program were maximized. There was no gap in the process, and the positive experience had a profound and lasting effect on the company.  


At SafetyComply, we are dedicated to helping businesses, big or small, build a strong foundation for their health and safety programs. Contact us today to see how we can partner with you to achieve safety excellence and foster a culture of well-being in your organization. Your success is our success.

Super efficient startup
size team of pros

Project Img

Building a Strong Health and Safety Foundation for a Growing Business

Health and safety management in the early stages of operation reduces barriers for opportunity